1,072 research outputs found

    Investigating the impact of beam and target parameters in particle imaging

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    Tese de mestrado integrado, Engenharia Biomédica e Biofísica (Radiação em Diagnóstico e Terapia) Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2020Estima-se que o cancro é a segunda principal causa de morte a nível mundial sendo responsável por aproximadamente 9.6 milhões de mortes em 2018, globalmente correspondendo a 1 em cada 6 mortes98. Cirurgia, radioterapia e quimioterapia estão incluídas como alguns dos vários regimes de tratamento adequados dependendo do tipo de cancro, sendo, portanto, o seu correto diagnóstico um factor de elevada importância. Radioterapia externa é definida como o tratamento que consiste na administração de diferentes tipos de radiação ionizante como o raio-X, raios Gamma, protões ou partículas com carga, utilizados como fim a destruição das células tumorais. Este processo consiste no efeito direto provocado pela radiação na estrutura do DNA, mais especificamente na dupla hélice, provocando uma ativação de sensores de destruição no DNA de modo a causar necrose, apoptose ou produzir um efeito na mitose de forma a deformar as características normais do neoplasma94. Exisre também um efeito indireto de destruição através das espécies reativas de oxigénio produzidas pela radiólise de água. A radiação absorvida pelas células, medida em unidades Gray (Gy) é definida como a quantidade de energia depositada pela radiação ionizante numa massa de volume de tecido, sendo que o dano celular é tanto maior quanto maior for a radiação absorvida85. As partículas carregadas possuem distribuições de profundidade-dose diferentes quando comparadas com fotões. A grande maioria da sua energia é depositada nos milímetros finais da sua trajetória, quando a sua velocidade diminui, sendo este factor o que forma o pico de Bragg, definido como um pico de dose estreito e localizado. O alcance desta mesma partícula no material é observado na posição de paragem do pico de Bragg91. Procedendo ao ajustamento da energia das partículas carregadas é possível depositar com alta precisão as doses pré-prescritas no corpo do doente, levando a que haja um rácio alto de deposição de dose no volume alvo quando comparado com tecido saudável. A errada localização do pico de Bragg pode resultar tanto em overdose dos tecidos saudáveis como em subdosagem do alvo. Portanto, um desafio importante na radioterapia consiste em determinar a energia incidente necessária da partícula de modo a permitir uma alta ionização num lugar específico do corpo humano. Em terapia externa de fotões e protões, anteriormente ao tratamento, uma tomografia computorizada de planeamento é adquirido, onde as estruturas são delineadas de modo a providenciar um mapa de densidade eletrónica que mais tarde é traduzida para valores de poder de paragem71. A prática clínica corrente consiste em adquirir os valores de poder de paragem no doente procedendo à conversão de unidades Hounsfield de uma tomografia computorizada de planeamento para poder de paragem relativo. O poder de paragem relativo é definido como o poder de paragem de um material comparado com o poder de paragem da água43. Esta conversão consiste na correspondência entre valores das unidades Hounsfield e poderes de paragem relativos a partir de uma curva de calibração91. Contudo, não existe uma relação física entre o coeficiente de atenuação mássica do fotão, medido pela tomografia computorizada de planeamento, e os valores de poder de paragem relativos o que leva a incertezas associadas a este método de conversão. Estas incertezas têm um grande impacto no alcance atingido pelas partículas calculado no scan de tomografia computorizada do doente e variam na ordem dos 3%. Portanto, margens de segurança são adicionadas à dose administrada ao doente que rodeia o volume alvo planeado de modo a assegurar um volume total clínico do alvo. Como esperado, devido a estas margens de segurança, um volume significativo de volume de tecido saudável irá também receber dose. Radiografia e tomografia de partículas são ferramentas utilizadas para o planeamento de tratamento e verificação em terapia de partículas de maneira a permitir a visualização da parte do corpo que está a passar pelo scan. A maior vantagem associada à imagiologia de transmissão de partículas quando comparada com a estimação dos valores de poder de paragem relativos com raio-X, é a maior precisão desta estimação devido às medidas efetuadas à espessura equivalente de água percorrida pelos protões ou iões leves após percorrer o doente. Sendo que os valores de espessura equivalente da água estão relacionados com a valores integrados de poder de paragem relativos, os mesmos poderão ser obtidos, em três dimensões, através da reconstrução da tomografia computorizada das projeções medidas dos valores de espessura equivalentes de água71. Portanto, imagiologia de partículas permite a estimação direta de valores relativos de poder de paragem através de tomografia computorizada de partículas. Não obstante, a dispersão múltipla de Coulomb, definido como processos de dispersão de Rutherford sofridos por uma partilha aquando da sua viagem na matéria, limita a qualidade de imagem devido à defleção angular e deslocamento lateral das partículas. Estas dispersões dificultam a predição da localização e ângulo da partícula a uma dada profundidade. De modo a melhorar a resolução espacial, é necessário identificar a posição e direção da partícula antes e depois do objeto assim como medir a sua energia residual individual recorrendo a sistemas de detetores. O detetor utilizado para esta investigação da tese está mais profundamente explicado na secção 4.2. Os algoritmos Most Likely Path (MLP) (“Trajeto mais provável”) e Cubic Spline Path (“Trajetória de linha cúbica”) foram propostos em imagiologia de partículas com objetivo de melhorar o problema associado à dispersão múltipla de Coulomb. Recorrendo aos algoritmos mencionados, o objetivo principal desta tese é, portanto, a investigação da qualidade de imagem de radiografia em função da energia inicial do feixe de partículas. Uma vez que a dispersão múltipla de Coulomb afeta a precisão do algoritmo MLP afetando, portanto, a resolução espacial, tem sido proposto por vários estudos21,32,42,69,88 o uso de iões de hélio como partículas geradoras de imagem devido ao reduzido efeito associado de múltipla dispersão de Coulomb. Além do mais, quando comparados com protões, os iões de hélio possuem menos dispersão de alcance o que significa que têm menos ruído associado à imagem com o mesmo número de partículas por pixel32. Juntando estas vantagens associadas e ainda mais o facto de que os iões de hélio sofrem menos fragmentação quando comparados com partículas pesadas, fez com que estas fossem as partículas escolhidas para imagiologia como estudo para esta tese. O estudo de Amato et al. (2020)5 demonstra que o uso de energias mais altas para o feixe de partículas provoca uma redução da dispersão múltipla de Coulomb levando a um aumento da resolução espacial. Contudo, um aumento de dispersão de alcance da partícula leva a que haja um maior nível de ruído na imagem. No mesmo estudo, apenas objetos homogéneos são estudados e no caso dos objetos heterogéneos a dispersão múltipla de Coulomb aumenta significativamente o ruído de imagem25. Consequentemente, sendo que ainda é desconhecido o comportamento da qualidade de imagem aquando do aumento da energia do feixe para casos reais de doentes, o objetivo principal desta tese é a investigação da qualidade de imagem de radiografia de iões de hélio em função da energia inicial do feixe de partículas, tanto para fantomas homogéneos como para heterogéneos. Um protótipo de detetor68 foi utilizado para simular, com simulações Monte Carlo no software de simulações TOPAS, as radiografias de hélio e, seguindo o estudo de Amato et al. (2020)5, um material degradador de energia (cobre) foi adicionado entre o dispositivo rastreador traseiro e o detetor de energia de modo a compensar os alcances mais elevados associados a maiores energias do feixe. Nesta tese, um fantoma homogéneo de água com três cubos de alumínio inseridos foi estudado assim como um fantoma de uma cabeça pediátrica34 de modo a estudar casos mais realistas. As reconstruções de imagem foram realizadas recorrendo ao algoritmo desenvolvido por Collins-Fekete et al. (2016)19 e a qualidade de imagem foi analisada para resolução espacial, rácio entre contraste e ruído e o ruído por pixel em relação à dose absorvida. Os resultados desta investigação, com o intervalo de energias do feixe utilizado (200-325 MeV/u), envolveram uma melhoria total de 46% de resolução espacial com o aumento da energia do feixe de partículas, exceto para o caso de 325 MeV/u que não segue a tendência. Em relação ao rácio entre contraste e ruído, ocorreu uma diminuição de 42% à medida que a energia do feixe de partículas aumentava. Concluindo, existe uma melhoria qualitativa e quantitativa em termos de resolução espacial nas radiografias de iões de hélio associada ao aumento das energias do feixe de partículas com a adição de um degradador de energia.Cancer is known to kill an estimate of 9.6 million people in 201898. Therefore, it is urgent to ameliorate the associated treatment, specifically radiotherapy. Particle therapy is a form of cancer radiotherapy exploiting the highly localized dose deposit of charged particles, the Bragg peak, for advanced sparing of healthy tissue. However, the highly conformal dose deposit also presents a great challenge as misplacement of the Bragg peak can result in severe overdosage of healthy tissue/underdosage of the target. Precise particle therapy hence requires advanced image guidance methods. This thesis focuses on particle imaging for image guidance in particle therapy. A precise relative stopping power map of the patient constitutes a vital part for accurate particle therapy. Charged particle imaging can determine the stopping power both tomographically with particle computed tomography (pCT), or combining prior knowledge from particle radiography and X-ray CT. In terms of image quality improvement, image reconstruction becomes challenging for particle imaging owing to the existence of Multiple Coulomb Scattering (MCS) limiting image resolution (worse spatial resolution) and leading to increased image noise20. In order to improve the image quality, therefore, most likely path (MLP) reconstruction algorithms are performed, to ameliorate the problem of MCS. Tracking detectors of individual particles before and after the patient are required to use MLP algorithms. Moreover, an energy/range detector is also necessary to measure the particles’ residual energy/range after the patient and to ensure RSP accuracy. Both heavier particles and higher beam energies reduce the effect of multiple Coulomb scattering, leading to a better path estimation. It is also noted, that for lighter ions, fixing the initial range maximizes the physical dose deposition to the patient while minimizing the image quality91. In this thesis, therefore the image quality of helium ion imaging with a recent prototype detector system is evaluated as function of the beam energy in detailed Monte Carlo simulations. With this research project, factors, such as beam and target parameters, involved in increasing image quality were studied in particle imaging taking into account detector design. The idea was to investigate how to improve upon a state-of-the-art prototype scanner, allowing for higher beam energies. This will be accomplished by adding an adequate energy degrader to the detector, between the rear tracker and the energy/range detector. This degrader had its main aim to compensate for the longer range associated with more energetic ions. The main goal was to investigate the image quality as a function of initial energy behave, assuming a realistic detector model in the simulation. Helium ion beams at six different energy levels available at a clinical ion beam therapy facility (200 MeV/u to 325 MeV/u) were used to image two different phantoms: a water phantom with three aluminum cubes inside and an anthropomorphic pediatric head phantom. Monte Carlo simulations were performed using the TOPAS simulation toolkit. For path estimation, the Cubic Spline Path (CSP) was employed, which is a computationally efficient variate of the MLP. To reconstruct helium ion radiographic images the Maximum Likelihood Method used. This algorithm yields highly accurate radiographs without the need of prior knowledge. Further, the image quality was analyzed through the contrast-to-noise-ratio (CNR), per-pixel-noise and the Modulation Transfer Function (MTF), considering the absorbed dose. The results of this investigation, considering the beam energy interval, involve a total spatial resolution improvement of 46% measured with increasing beam energy, except for the 325 MeV/u case which does not fit the trend. In relation to CNR analysis, a decrease of 42% was found as the beam energy increases. In conclusion, there is a quantitatively and qualitatively improvement in terms of spatial resolution in helium-beam radiography with increasing beam energies with the addition of an energy degrader

    Festa do divino espiríto santo na região do gameleira

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    The Divino Espírito Santo festival is a Catholic religious festival that is a tradition in the State of Tocantins, including in the district of Gameleira, municipality of Silvanopolis -TO. It is a party that presents a manifestation of popular religiosity and that has great popular representation. So, this article aimed to describe how the Divino Espírito Santo festival is held in the region of Gameleira, Silvanópolis -TO. The methodology used was the field research carried out in the district of Gameleira, municipality of Silvanópolis - TO, from January to July 2019. To collect the information, interviews were conducted with the party participants and participation in the party of the year 2019.The results showed that the party of Divino Espírito Santo in the region of Gameleira has its origin in the year 1984, and in 2019 the party took place on July 12 and 13. In the end it was concluded that revelers celebrate the Divine Espírito Santo in the region of Gameleira, usually in the month of July of each year.A festa do Divino Espírito Santo é uma festa religiosa católica que é tradição no Estado do Tocantins, inclusive no distrito de Gameleira, município de Silvanópolis - TO. É uma festa que apresenta uma manifestação da religiosidade popular e que possui uma grande representatividade popular. Sedo assim, o presente artigo teve como objetivo descrever como é realizada a festa do Divino Espírito Santo na região do Gameleira, município de Silvanópolis -TO. A metodologia utilizada foi a pesquisa de campo realizada no distrito de Gameleira, município de Silvanópolis -TO, no período de janeiro a julho de 2019. Para o levantamento das informações foram realizadas entrevistas com os participantes da festa e participação na festa do ano de 2019. Os resultados demonstraram que a festa do Divino Espírito Santo da região do Gameleira tem sua origem no ano de 1984, sendo que no ano de 2019 a festa ocorreu nos dias 12 e 13 de julho. Ao final concluiu-se que os foliões celebram o Divino Espírito Santo na região do Gameleira, geralmente no mês de julho de cada ano

    Investigation of Dendrimer-based nanoparticles cellular uptake and cell tracking in a semiautomated microfluidic platform

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    A microfluidic device such as Kima Pump and Vena8 biochip is able to realize functions that are not easily imaginable in conventional biological analysis, such as highly parallel, sophisticated high-throughput analysis and single-cell analysis in a well-defined manner [1]. Cancer cell tracking within the microfluidic model will be achieved by grafting fluorescent label probe Fluorescein-5(6)-isothiocyanate (FITC) to dendrimer nanoparticles allowing cell visualization by immunofluorescent staining followed by fluorescence microscopy. In this study, synthesis and physicochemical characterization of Carboxymethyl-chitosan/poly(amidoamine) dendrimer nanoparticles (CMCht/PAMAM NPâ s) were performed[2].  Several cancer cell lines such as a HeLA (cervical carcinoma cell line), HTTC-116 (Colon Carcinoma) and Glioblastome cell line (GBM) were exposed to different concentrations of CMCht/PAMAM dendrimer nanoparticles over a period of 7d. After finding the adequate NP concentration, the internalization efficiency was tested, as well as cellular trafficking, in static and dynamic conditions (Kima Pump bioreactor).Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) through the project PEst­C/SAU/LA0026/20

    Os contos de fada e sua contextualização: os clássicos e a indústria cultural

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    Os contos de fada são utilizados, há muito tempo, como transmissores de valores morais referentes à época em que se situam, embora pouco se questione as influências que os contos sofreram e que também deixaram a partir do contexto em que se inserem. Neste artigo pretende-se –  com o auxílio teórico-metodológico dos conceitos bakhtinianos de polifonia e dialogismo, além da intertextualidade proposta por Kristeva, na década de 1960, e dos elementos apresentados pela semiótica greimasiana –  analisar como a influência de outras obras, do momento histórico-social, e da ideologia do próprio escritor constroem um discurso-texto, de acordo com os ditames da época em que os contos de fada foram produzidos, propiciando novos  olhares, novas leituras sobre os clássicos, que, como obra, perduram há séculos.

    Dendrimers in tissue engineering

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    Dendrimers are highly branched and multivalent, and monodispersive making them perfect candidates for a myriad of controlled drug delivery applications. Dendrimers possess many other advantages, such as the possibility of modulating surface chemistry and charge, and biodegradation rate and to be processed as scaffolds that can emulate natural extracellular matrices thus opening up unique applications in tissue engineering. The combination of dendrimers and other macromolecules (proteins and carbohydrates), as well as other traditional scaffold polymers, has led to the creation of hybrid scaffolds with new physical, mechanical, and biochemical properties. However, despite the widespread use of dendrimers in biomedical applications, their use in the fabrication of tissue engineering scaffolds remains some-how narrow. The most promising applications of dendritic macromolecules in TE area such as drug delivery strategies, cell differentiation and/or tissue regeneration, 3D/Dynamic platforms and ex vivo/in vivo testing are overviewed and discussed herein.JMO for the financial support provided under the program “Investigador FCT” (IF/01285/2015). MCR acknowledges the IET Institution of Engineering and Technology for the financial support provided under the IET Harvey Research Prize 2017. IMO thanks the financial support under the Norte2020 project (“NORTE-08-5369-FSE-000044”)

    Canopy and Litter Cover Do Not Alter Diaspore Removal by Ants in the Cerrado

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    Diaspore removal by ants is a crucial stage for successful myrmecochory and can be directly or indirectly affected by natural or anthropic changes to environments. Among the consequences of such changes is variation in habitat attributes, such as changes in conditions and resources and, consequently, decreased diaspore removal or even the loss of this ecological function. The aim of this study was to assess whether canopy and litter cover affect diaspore removal by ants in the Cerrado. We considered canopy and litter cover as proxies of humidity and temperature and evaluated whether changes in these environmental conditions could affect diaspore removal by ants. We hypothesized that the greater the canopy and litter cover (higher humidity and lower temperature), the greater the number of diaspores removed by ants. We tested this hypothesis by establishing three classes of cover for each proxy: low, intermediate, and high. We placed artificial diaspores under each cover class and quantified the number of diaspores removed. We found that variation in canopy and litter cover did not affect the number of diaspores removed by ants in areas of cerrado sensu stricto. Variation in habitat attributes in natural environments were less important for diaspore removal than in modified areas. Our results indicate that understanding the processes and habitat atributes involved in diaspore removal by ants is important for conserving the Cerrado

    Gellan-gum coated gold nanorods: a new tool for biomedical applications

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    Publicado em "Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology. Conference Abstract: 10th World Biomaterials Congress"Introduction: Gold nanorods (AuNRs) have been widely studied, in the scope of cancer research and biomedical applications [1]. Their optical properties, easy synthesis and high surface area make AuNRs an outstanding tool for a plethora of applications, such as drug delivery, imaging and tissue engineering [2]. However, before biomedical usage, it is necessary to modify AuNRs surface chemistry, to improve their biocompatibility and stability under biological conditions [3]. One possible approach is the use of biocompatible natural-based polymers that enhance AuNRs performance while allowing the controlled release of drugs/bioactive agents. Herein, we report the successful preparation of a core-shell nanostructure using low-acyl gellan gum (GG) [4], [5] for the coating of AuNRs. Methods: AuNRs were prepared following the seed-mediated growth method [6]. Then, particles were coated with a successive deposition of anionic and cationic polyelectrolytes (poly(acrylic acid) and poly(allylamine hydrochloride), respectively). The pre-coated nanorods were added to a low-acyl gellan gum (GG) solution, previously heated at 90ºC to allow dissolution, and the mixture was stirred overnight at room temperature. The GG-coated AuNRs (AuNR-GG) were characterized by UVvisible spectrometry, zeta potential measurements and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). AuNRs cytotoxicity was accessed in vitro after 1, 3, 7 and 14 days of SaOS-2 cell culture, using an MTS assay. Nanoparticles internalization was confirmed by TEM. In vivo biocompatibility tests were also performed by delivering a solution of AuNRs-GG via tail injection in mice. Results and Discussion: AuNRs were successfully synthesized and coated with a GG shell of approximately 7 nm, as shown in Figure 1. The presence of the GG around AuNRs clearly improved particles stability at different salt and pH conditions, as observed by UV-vis spectroscopy. The in vitro studies using SaOS-2 showed that AuNRs-GG are noncytotoxic. TEM analyses have confirmed that nanoparticles are uptaken by cells and aggregate within cytoplasmic vesicles as depicted in Figure 2. Additionally, in vivo tests suggest that AuNRs are harmless for mice after 24 hours. Conclusion: In this study, AuNRs were individually coated with a gellan gum (GG) shell, resulting in nanoparticles with enhanced stability under different salt concentrations and range of pH’s. Thence, one can conclude that the GG present around the nanoparticles acts as a stabilizer, improving AuNRs stability and biocompatibility. AuNRs-GG have shown noteworthy features and a high potential for further use on biomedical applications including intracellular drug delivery and imaging.QREN (ON.2 – NORTE-01-0124-FEDER-000018) co-financed by North Portugal Regional Operational Program (ON.2 – O Novo Norte), under the National Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF), through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)The Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) - SFRH/BD/102710/201

    The effects of dietary supplementation with Agaricales mushrooms and other medicinal fungi on breast cancer: Evidence-based medicine

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    Breast cancer is the most prevalent cancer in women. The most frequent therapeutic approaches for the treatment of this disease are chemotherapy, radiotherapy, hormone therapy, and surgery. Conventional pharmacological treatments cause many harmful side effects in patients. To improve the quality of life of breast cancer patients, researchers have sought alternative adjuvant treatment strategies. To assess the effects of fungi and other basidiomycetes Agaricales on the co-adjuvant treatment of breast cancer, we conducted a literary review of the available scientific evidence. We selected articles published in refereed journals from 1990 to 2011 in Medline, Lilacs, CAPES, Scielo, and Pubmed. Articles written in English, Spanish, and Portuguese were reviewed. We used the following descriptors: Agaricales, medicinal mushroom/fungus, breast cancer, dietary supplementation, synonyms, and related terms. The pharmacological effects of nutritional and medicinal mushrooms have been reported in several experimental clinical studies and have shown promising results in the adjuvant treatment of breast cancer. Adjuvant treatment with mushrooms is associated with improvements in the immunological and hematologic parameters of breast cancer, as well as in the quality of life of these patients. Randomized clinical studies are needed to elucidate the possible mechanisms of action and clinical benefits of these fungi with respect to survival time, disease progression, and metastasis in breast cancer

    Tissue engineering and regenerative medicine research - how can it contribute to fight future pandemics?

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    Understanding the pathogenesis of viral infection is of paramount importance for the development of better therapies. In the particular case of COVID-19, the mechanism of infection is highly complex and involves a critical cascade of events, which can lead to the death of the patient. Intense research is currently being performed to gain mechanistic insights about the virus etiology and to evaluate new therapeutic approaches. The development of point-of-care diagnostic tools, predictive drug screening platforms, and biomimetic models of the disease could play a key role in understanding the cellular and molecular mechanism of viral infection and its response to drugs. In this regard, specific tissue engineering and regenerative medicine approaches, such as microfluidics and organ-on-a-chip technologies, as well as bioprinted in vitro disease models, could be used to develop a technological platform to fight COVID-19, and other virus pandemics yet to come. Herein, we briefly discuss about how such approaches can contribute to address current and future viral pandemics by highlighting recent successful examples.D. Caballero acknowledges the financial support from the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology under the program CEEC Individual 2017 (CEECIND/00352/2017) and the project 2MATCH (02/SAICT/2017 - nº 028070) funded by the Programa Operacional Regional do Norte supported by FEDER. M. Carvalho would like to acknowledge IET Harvey Research Prize 2017. The authors also acknowledge the financial support from the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation Horizon 2020 on Forefront Research in 3D Disease Cancer Models as in vitro Screening Technologies (FoReCaST- no. 668983), the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) distinction attributed to J. M. Oliveira (IF/00423/2012, IF/01285/2015) and FCT, Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional (FEDER) and Programa Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalização (POCI) for funding the projects B-Liver (PTDC/EMD-EMD/29139/2017), Hierarchitech (M-ERA-NET/0001/2014) and 3BioMeD (JICAM/0001/2017)

    Restoration of Noncarious Cervical Lesions: When, Why, and How

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    At this time, restoration of noncarious cervical lesions (NCCLs) is a common occurrence in clinics nowadays. Some reasons for this are the growth of the elderly population, a smaller rate of tooth loss, and possibly the increase of some etiologic factors. These factors include inadequate brushing techniques in gingival recession cases, corrosive food and drink consumption, and occlusal stress concentrating factors (occlusal interferences, premature contacts, habits of bruxism, and clenching). Unfortunately, Class V restorations also represent one of the less durable types of restorations and have a high index of loss of retention, marginal excess, and secondary caries. Some causes for these problems include difficulties in isolation, insertion, contouring, and finishing and polishing procedures. This work aims to help dentists in choosing the best treatment strategy, which necessarily involves steps of problem identification, diagnosis, etiological factor removal or treatment, and, if necessary, restoration. Finally, appropriate restorative techniques are suggested for each situation